smart product | august 2021
creating space for everyone
Velovio’s goal is to improve cycling infrastructure by providing cities and companies with space-saving and bespoke bike parking solutions with a functional and attractive design.
There are several products in the still increasing portfolio, such as the BENTO bike stand or the BIKEPARKER, which includes a bike lift to make the most efficient use of urban space.
Velovio also offers advice and support in the planning process so that the project can be implemented in the best possible way.
Status & Application:
Ready-for-market; Some products of Velovio`s Portfolio are already in use in Austria, some others are still in development.
Characterization along 5 societal goals: Happiness, Safety, Innovation, Profitability, and Circularity.
The graph below shows for which of these themes the product is mainly relevant on a societal level. Some products are more specialized, while others may be covering all topics equally. The results are based on a self-evaluation questionnaire that was developed by URBAN MENUS and filled in by the products or services themselves.
Below is an explanation of how the product or service may contribute to the 5 themes, based on the information provided by the solutions in the onboarding process as well as research by the URBAN MENUS team.
For more details about the analysis and the 5 main themes, please click here.

By providing functional bicycle infrastructure, Velovio can contribute to increasing the use of bicycles in a city and therefore to higher happiness of citizens in the long run (for instance through reduced motorized traffic).
The product can contribute to an overall sense of safety in a city by reducing car traffic and providing safer parking for bicycles.
Bicycles are becoming increasingly important in modern cities, also for services such as passenger transport, cargo, and food delivery. Improving bicycle infrastructure can therefore also be beneficial in economic terms.
As the importance of bicycles in many cities is growing, bicycle infrastructure can be an important driver of innovation, for example by enabling the use of bicycles for business purposes.
Velovio was designed with recyclability and durability in mind. On a societal level, it can contribute to the reduction of climate change, due to reduced car traffic and increased bicycle use.
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